Daisypath Anniversary tickers
A day that we spend time so.. so.. so.. happily~

Kata kak Adia..

Selamat Pagi Semua…..what a very happening and memorable memories in yesterday when we had go thru ….tgk wayang….shopping bersama kawan2…masuk lubuk ke highway latar…hahahaha….funny2….aku pas buka terus tidor lena…tak larat doh……

Kata Sis Wina..
Sweet lah adia.. me felt so too… happy sesangat!!! sibuk cerita kat G-ma expedisi pengembaraan geng notty but fabulous kita kat mama time berbuka. Like u said, syukur Allah bantu kita, if not wallahualam.. entah2 dah kena buang daerah dah! Ngeh, ngeh, ngeh! BUT no regrets, the lubuk to Latar was fun… janji yussy x terberanak… so cool ajer!!!!!

Adia, sy masih pegang ticket semalam and akan ingat forever “wina, inilah peluang awak tgk wayang dgn saya”..tp terlupa nk facebook tickets tu.. :p

So, today.. siapa nk tolong tripkan neigbourhood kita ni lagi…? boleh tgk Step Up pulak!

p/s: Mama kiterorg dh on the way pulang Ipoh now..urusan derma ke rumah anak yatim dia menunggu.. J

Kata Kak Yus..

Actually….saya tak rasa penat walupoun banyak jalan….tapi yang penting ader orang tuh beli starbucks semalam tanpa kasut….saya dok doa arinih n esok takde current….

Kata Mia..
Bang! Mesti abg happy kn? Tgok we all get back together again.. as before.. as you wish.. mia pn sgt amat happy..

Dear all my sister..
Thank you for giving back the star.. thank for sharing the joy and the laugh! Mia pn super happy smlm.. & will remember every single moment of it!

Hiash!! RUGInya u xde.. hehehe..

U dah terlepas 1chapter.. heheh.. next time maybe? Ngeee~~

Syahdu…. Sebak even super happy.. if arwah is around.. mesti die will be around too.. agaknya kita gi 2 kereta? Atau die akan duduk kt bonet again? Kalo mcm tuh, mmg panas punggung la.. sbb lama sgt kta sesat? Hahahah!

To ALL!!!,
THANK YOU very much for creating another love history to be remember and to remain.. I will appreciate it so much!

Love, Hugs+Kisses,
MiaAurora-d youngest^^

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